Frequently Asked Questions

My pets vaccination is due about the time of our booking should we get it done early?
It’s up to you, we will accept a vaccination card which is a month or so out of date, much more than that would not be acceptable.

What will you feed my pet?
We carry a range of common Complete Feed for all ages from Puppy/Kitten to Senior, Light and Hypoallergenic.  We also stock tins and pouches and various mixer biscuits. You can bring special/veterinary diets.

Can I bring in my own food and save some money, then?
If we do not have your food we will use a suitable alternative. Bringing in your own food is not an option unless it is important for the health of the pet. We may charge extra for using  food not supplied by us.

My pet is on medication is that a problem?
As long as you give us full details of the treatment, and bring in the medication, this should be fine.

Is it alright to bring some treats?
Yes, we do provide biscuits, but by all means bring a few chews and a toy (Please note toys may not be returned).

What about exercise?
We have extensive grounds and exercise the dogs on very long extendable leads. Dogs are walked individually, we don't walk 'strange' dogs together. We also have an exercise compound for off-lead play. Once again we don't mix them up with other dogs in the yard.

I don’t let my cat out, do you have inside runs?
Yes, we have a number of units with no access to an outside veranda.

What do you do if my pet gets sick?
Our fees include vet insurance for most conditions not previously treated. If we are in the slightest concerned we will take your pet to Wards Vets for a check-up. They can contact your regular vet if required. We will consult with, and authorise, the vet to take whatever action they consider in your pets best interest.
For most minor cases we will advise you of this treatment on your return. Where we consider the case serious, or an emergency, we will immediately try to get in touch with you, or ask the vet to phone you, on the contact numbers you leave.

The dogs were noisy when we went for a look around, is it like that all the time?
No! They just like to ‘meet and greet’ and settle down after a short while.
We occasionally have an excitable dog who can get the others wound up when we have visitors. We usually try to move them to a quieter unit, so that they are less inclined to carry on. This helps the other boarders and benefits the ‘culprit’ as well!

I don’t want my cat to be disturbed by dogs.
The cattery is not in the line of vision of the kennels, and when you are inside it is quite peaceful.

Can you brush my Persian/long haired cat?
We do not ‘deep’ groom cats who are knotted and heavily undercoated as this can take hours. However we will try to maintain the coat as best we can.  We have stopped grooming and clipping ourselves, but K9 Clippers share our premises, and you can ask Dawn directly (07747 863 732) or on arrival. Her charge is paid directly to her.

We might stay an extra night on holiday/come home a day early will this be alright?
Coming home early is fine – but you may be charged for any unused stay. Staying away longer can be tricky during the school holidays. In both cases it is important to phone us as soon as you know so that we can try to accommodate your requirements.

Someone else might pick up our pets, is this ok?
No problem, just let us know when you bring them in, you will probably be asked to pay in advance, as we do not send out invoices.

Frequently Asked Questions

My pets vaccination is due about the time of our booking should we get it done early?
It’s up to you, we will accept a vaccination card which is a month or so out of date, much more than that would not be acceptable.

What will you feed my pet?
We carry a range of common Complete Feed for all ages from Puppy/Kitten to Senior, Light and Hypoallergenic.  We also stock tins and pouches and various mixer biscuits. You can bring special/veterinary diets.

Can I bring in my own food and save some money, then?
If we do not have your food we will use a suitable alternative. Bringing in your own food is not an option unless it is important for the health of the pet. We may charge extra for using  food not supplied by us.

My pet is on medication is that a problem?
As long as you give us full details of the treatment, and bring in the medication, this should be fine.

Is it alright to bring some treats?
Yes, we do provide biscuits, but by all means bring a few chews and a toy (Please note toys may not be returned).

What about exercise?
We have extensive grounds and exercise the dogs on very long extendable leads. Dogs are walked individually, we don't walk 'strange' dogs together. We also have an exercise compound for off-lead play. Once again we don't mix them up with other dogs in the yard.

I don’t let my cat out, do you have inside runs?
Yes, we have a number of units with no access to an outside veranda.

What do you do if my pet gets sick?
Our fees include vet insurance for most conditions not previously treated. If we are in the slightest concerned we will take your pet to Wards Vets for a check-up. They can contact your regular vet if required. We will consult with, and authorise, the vet to take whatever action they consider in your pets best interest.
For most minor cases we will advise you of this treatment on your return. Where we consider the case serious, or an emergency, we will immediately try to get in touch with you, or ask the vet to phone you, on the contact numbers you leave.

The dogs were noisy when we went for a look around, is it like that all the time?
No! They just like to ‘meet and greet’ and settle down after a short while.
We occasionally have an excitable dog who can get the others wound up when we have visitors. We usually try to move them to a quieter unit, so that they are less inclined to carry on. This helps the other boarders and benefits the ‘culprit’ as well!

I don’t want my cat to be disturbed by dogs.
The cattery is not in the line of vision of the kennels, and when you are inside it is quite peaceful.

Can you brush my Persian/long haired cat?
We do not ‘deep’ groom cats who are knotted and heavily undercoated as this can take hours. However we will try to maintain the coat as best we can.  We have stopped grooming and clipping ourselves, but K9 Clippers share our premises, and you can ask Dawn directly (07747 863 732) or on arrival. Her charge is paid directly to her.

We might stay an extra night on holiday/come home a day early will this be alright?
Coming home early is fine – but you may be charged for any unused stay. Staying away longer can be tricky during the school holidays. In both cases it is important to phone us as soon as you know so that we can try to accommodate your requirements.

Someone else might pick up our pets, is this ok?
No problem, just let us know when you bring them in, you will probably be asked to pay in advance, as we do not send out invoices.

T. 01343 544411

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