Terms & Fees

We will take every effort to make your pets stay a happy one and look after their health and safety while you are away, but ultimately all pets are boarded entirely at their owners risk. We reserve the right to refuse admission at any time without giving reason.

Pets not picked up within seven days of the stated departure date will be deemed to have been abandoned. We have the right to rehome, or otherwise dispose, of these pets, and hold the owner liable for all additional costs.

All belongings are left on the premises entirely at the clients risk. Any bedding brought in should be clean. We will dispose of belongings which have become excessively damaged.
We do try to return items, but they somtimes get lost in the wash etc. Please do not bring in bean bags or duvets.

Booking Cancellations
Must be made at least 7 days before arrival date. We will e-mail a confirmation that this has been received. Un-cancelled bookings will be liable for full payment.

All fees must be paid on arrival or at departure.
We accept cash, credit and debit cards (but not American Express). Cheques are no longer accepted.
For details of our rates and discounts Click here.

We must be made aware of any medical conditions your pet has, and you should give full details of medication or other treatment on arrival.
We use Wards Veterinary Centre who may contact your vet. If you want us to use a particular Practise please advise.
If we have the slightest concern about the health of your pet we will have it assessed.
Pets are covered for Vet Health Insurance whilst here (conditions apply - further details available on request).

Hours of Business
Pets will only be released during our stated Opening Hours. Any special arrangements are at the discretion of the staff, but will incur additional charge - an extra day board plus £7.50.
Our regular opening times are given at the top of the page.
We operate limited times over the Christmas holidays (See ‘News’ for details).

Cats must arrive in a secure basket. They should not be released until in their enclosure.
Please leave your pets in the car until you've booked in at reception.
Please note that we have free-range chickens, and our own cats and dogs live here so : ALL Dogs MUST be kept on a lead at all times.
Staff will not handle loose pets.
We don't allow unauthorised people to visit your pet whilest here.

No pet will be accepted without Proof of Vaccination or a letter from your vet explaining why no vaccination has been given.
Cats must be vaccinated against Feline Respiratory Disease and Feline Enteritis.
Dogs must be vaccinated against Distemper, Hepatitis and Leptospirosis.

Terms & Fees

We will take every effort to make your pets stay a happy one and look after their health and safety while you are away, but ultimately all pets are boarded entirely at their owners risk. We reserve the right to refuse admission at any time without giving reason.

Pets not picked up within seven days of the stated departure date will be deemed to have been abandoned. We have the right to rehome, or otherwise dispose, of these pets, and hold the owner liable for all additional costs.

All belongings are left on the premises entirely at the clients risk. Any bedding brought in should be clean. We will dispose of belongings which have become excessively damaged.
We do try to return items, but they somtimes get lost in the wash etc. Please do not bring in bean bags or duvets.

Booking Cancellations
Must be made at least 7 days before arrival date. We will e-mail a confirmation that this has been received. Un-cancelled bookings will be liable for full payment.

All fees must be paid on arrival or at departure.
We accept cash, credit and debit cards (but not American Express). Cheques are no longer accepted.
For details of our rates and discounts Click here.

We must be made aware of any medical conditions your pet has, and you should give full details of medication or other treatment on arrival.
We use Wards Veterinary Centre who may contact your vet. If you want us to use a particular Practise please advise.
If we have the slightest concern about the health of your pet we will have it assessed.
Pets are covered for Vet Health Insurance whilst here (conditions apply - further details available on request).

Hours of Business
Pets will only be released during our stated Opening Hours. Any special arrangements are at the discretion of the staff, but will incur additional charge - an extra day board plus £7.50.
Our regular opening times are given at the top of the page.
We operate limited times over the Christmas holidays (See ‘News’ for details).

Cats must arrive in a secure basket. They should not be released until in their enclosure.
Please leave your pets in the car until you've booked in at reception.
Please note that we have free-range chickens, and our own cats and dogs live here so : ALL Dogs MUST be kept on a lead at all times.
Staff will not handle loose pets.
We don't allow unauthorised people to visit your pet whilest here.

No pet will be accepted without Proof of Vaccination or a letter from your vet explaining why no vaccination has been given.
Cats must be vaccinated against Feline Respiratory Disease and Feline Enteritis.
Dogs must be vaccinated against Distemper, Hepatitis and Leptospirosis.

T. 01343 544411

Website by www.colourjam.com